What is good to know

Standard voltage in Indonesia is 240V /50 Hz. Power points are the same as in the Czech Republic, requiring two or three flat pins.

Water IS NOT potable. Packed drinking water can be bought in all shops. At some hotels there is both cold and hot water.

It is recommended to come to Indonesia with American dollars or Euros and to exchange them right away at the airport or in a major local exchange office. Cash dispensers can be found almost everywhere in Bali.
The currency used in Bali is the Indonesian rupee – Rp.
Rp 10,000 is equivalent roughly to CZK 20.00.

A tip is not expected, however, if you decide to give it, it is around 5% or is rounded up, for instance for a good meal at a restaurant. If you use a taxi, you can round the amount up. Tips are usually given to porters and page boys.

Be prepared for bargaining when doing shopping in Indonesia. Bargaining is a tradition and the vendor usually fixes the price three times higher than you actually pay in the end.

No special vaccination is required when travelling to Bali.


