
Bali is located in the tropics, where the temperature is very stable all the year round. The average annual temperature of the air is 28°C – in the night, the temperature drops slightly. The daily temperature ranges from about 30 to 33°C.

The temperature of the water is very pleasant – for the whole year it is about 28° C.
In Bali, solar radiation is very intense and permanent, consequently it is necessary to regularly use protective, water-proof creams with the minimum factor 35+, even if the sky is overcast. The solar activity reaches its peak at noon, so it is advisable to stay in the shade at this time. Do not forget to take sun glasses and a hat with you. When you arrive, sunbathe gradually.

The ideal time for a visit to Bali is from mid-March to June and from September to December, when the weather in Bali is sunny, warm and with a minimum of rainfall. July and August are the most popular months among tourists coming to Bali, that’s why the hotels are occupied to a high degree and the prices are higher than out of these months. From January to mid-March you can expect heavy night rain showers and occasional daily storms.

